This is a living document and new ideas for improving the code around us are always welcome. Contribute: fork, clone, branch, commit, push, pull request.
All code in any code-base should look like a single person typed it, no matter how many people contributed.
The following list outlines the practices that I use in all code that I am the original author of; contributions to projects that I have created should follow these guidelines.
I do not intend to impose my style preferences on other people's code if they have an existing common style - this should be respected.
Leveraging Code Quality Tools by Anton Kovalyov
The following should be considered 1) incomplete, and 2) REQUIRED READING. I don't always agree with the style written by the authors below, but one thing is certain: They are consistent. Furthermore, these are authorities on the language.
- Eloquent JavaScript
- JavaScript, JavaScript
- Rebecca Murphey or Adventures in JavaScript Development
- Perfection Kills
- Douglas Crockford's Wrrrld Wide Web
Projects should always attempt to include some generic means by which source can be compressed in preparation for production use. Some popular and proven tools include the JavaScript-based Uglify.js, as well as the Java-based Google Closure Compiler and YUI Compressor. Choose one and support it.
You can now find a functional, generic "build kit" in the /kits
directory of this repository. Usage is easy: 1) copy the contents of a kit found in /kits
to a new working directory, 2) save your project .js file in the /src
directory, 3) put the name of the project in project.txt
, 4) run make
from command line. (Even easier directions: replace occurrences of "foo")
Projects must include some form of unit, reference, implementation or functional testing. Use case demos DO NOT QUALIFY as "tests".
- Whitespace
- Beautiful Syntax
- Type Checking (Courtesy jQuery Core Style Guidelines)
- Conditional Evaluation
- Practical Style
- Naming
- Misc
- Native & Host Objects
- Comments
- Never mix spaces and tabs.
- When beginning a project, before you write any code, choose between soft indents (spaces) or real tabs — this is law.
- For readability, I always recommend setting your editor's indent size to two characters — this means two spaces or two spaces representing a real tab.
- If your editor supports it, always work with the "show invisibles" setting turned on. The benefits of this practice are:
- Enforced consistency
- Eliminating end of line whitespace
- Eliminating blank line whitespace
- Commits and diffs that are easier to read
A. Parens, Braces, Linebreaks
// if/else/for/while/try always have spaces, braces and span multiple lines // this encourages readability // 2.A.1.1 // Examples of really cramped syntax if(condition) doSomething(); while(condition) iterating++; for(var i=0;i<100;i++) someIterativeFn(); // 2.A.1.1 // Use whitespace to promote readability if ( condition ) { // statements } while ( condition ) { // statements } for ( var i = 0; i < 100; i++ ) { // statements } // Even better: var i = 0, length = 100; for ( ; i < length; i++ ) { // statements } if ( true ) { // statements } else { // statements }
B. Assignments, Declarations, Functions ( Named, Expression, Constructor )
// 2.B.1.1 // Variables var foo = "bar", num = 1, undef; // Literal notations: var array = [], object = {}; // 2.B.1.2 // Using only one `var` per scope (function) promotes readability // and keeps your declaration list free of clutter (also saves a few bytes) // Bad var foo = ""; var bar = ""; var qux; // Good var foo = "", bar = "", quux; // or.. var // Comment on these foo = "", bar = "", quux;
// 2.B.2.1 // Named Function Declaration function foo( arg1, argN ) { } // Usage foo( arg1, argN ); // 2.B.2.2 // Named Function (w/ callback argument) function bar( arg1, callback ) { if ( arg1 && callback ) { callback(); } } // Usage bar( arg1, function() { // callback statements }); // 2.B.2.3 // Function Expression var quux = function( arg1, callback ) { if ( arg1 && callback ) { callback(); } // always return 'something' return true; }; // Usage: quux( arg1, function() { // callback statements }); // 2.B.2.4 // Constructor definition function FooBar() { return this; } // Usage: var fooBar = new FooBar();
C. Exceptions, Slight Deviations
// 2.C.1.1 // Functions with callbacks foo(function() { // Note there is no extra space between the first paren // of the executing function call and the word "function" }); // Function accepting an array, no space foo([ "alpha", "beta" ]); // 2.C.1.2 // Function accepting an object, no space foo({ a: "alpha", b: "beta" }); // Inner grouping parens, no space if ( !("foo" in obj) ) { }
D. Consistency Always Wins
In sections 2.A-2.C, the whitespace rules are set forth as a recommendation with a simpler, higher purpose: consistency. It's important to note that formatting preferences, such as "inner whitespace" should be considered optional, but only one style should exist across the entire source of your project.
// 2.D.1.1 if (condition) { // statements } while (condition) { // statements } for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++) { // statements } if (true) { // statements } else { // statements }
E. End of Lines and Empty Lines
Whitespace can ruin diffs and make changesets impossible to read. Consider incorporating a pre-commit hook that removes end-of-line whitespace and blanks spaces on empty lines automatically.
Type Checking (Courtesy jQuery Core Style Guidelines)
typeof variable === "string"
typeof variable === "number"
typeof variable === "boolean"
typeof variable === "object"
(wherever possible) -
variable === null
null or undefined:
variable == null
Global Variables:
typeof variable === "undefined"
Local Variables:
variable === undefined
object.prop === undefined
object.hasOwnProperty( prop )
"prop" in object
JavaScript is a dynamically typed language - which can be your best friend or worst enemy, so: Always respect type
. As recommended
Given the following HTML:
<input type="text" id="foo-input" value="1">
Consider the implications of this logic:
// 3.B.1.1
// `foo` has been declared with the value `0` and its type is `number`
var foo = 0;
// typeof foo;
// "number"
// Somewhere later in your code, you need to update `foo`
// with a new value derived from an input element
foo = document.getElementById("foo-input").value;
// If you were to test `typeof foo` now, the result would be `string`
// This means that if you had logic that tested `foo` like:
if ( foo === 1 ) {
// `importantTask()` would never be evaluated, even though `foo` has a value of "1"
// 3.B.1.2
// You can preempt issues by using smart coercion with unary + or - operators:
foo = +document.getElementById("foo-input").value;
^ unary + operator will convert its right side operand to a number
// typeof foo;
// "number"
if ( foo === 1 ) {
// `importantTask()` will be called
// 3.B.1.1
// `foo` has been declared with the value `0` and its type is `number`
var foo = 0;
// typeof foo;
// "number"
// Somewhere later in your code, you need to update `foo`
// with a new value derived from an input element
foo = document.getElementById("foo-input").value;
// If you were to test `typeof foo` now, the result would be `string`
// This means that if you had logic that tested `foo` like:
if ( foo === 1 ) {
// `importantTask()` would never be evaluated, even though `foo` has a value of "1"
// 3.B.1.2
// You can preempt issues by using smart coercion with unary + or - operators:
foo = +document.getElementById("foo-input").value;
^ unary + operator will convert its right side operand to a number
// typeof foo;
// "number"
if ( foo === 1 ) {
// `importantTask()` will be called
Here are some common cases along with coercions:
// 3.B.2.1
var number = 1,
string = "1",
bool = false;
// 1
number + "";
// "1"
// "1"
// 1
// 1
// 2
// false
// 0
bool + "";
// "false"
// 3.B.2.2
var number = 1,
string = "1",
bool = true;
string === number;
// false
string === number + "";
// true
+string === number;
// true
bool === number;
// false
+bool === number;
// true
bool === string;
// false
bool === !!string;
// true
// 3.B.2.3
var array = [ "a", "b", "c" ];
!~~array.indexOf( "d" );
// false
!~~array.indexOf( "a" );
// true
// 4.1.1 // When only evaluating that an array has length, // instead of this: if ( array.length > 0 ) ... // ...evaluate truthiness, like this: if ( array.length ) ... // 4.1.2 // When only evaluating that an array is empty, // instead of this: if ( array.length === 0 ) ... // ...evaluate truthiness, like this: if ( !array.length ) ... // 4.1.3 // When only evaluating that a string is not empty, // instead of this: if ( string !== "" ) ... // ...evaluate truthiness, like this: if ( string ) ... // 4.1.4 // When only evaluating that a string _is_ empty, // instead of this: if ( string === "" ) ... // ...evaluate falsy-ness, like this: if ( !string ) ... // 4.1.5 // When only evaluating that a reference is true, // instead of this: if ( foo === true ) ... // ...evaluate like you mean it, take advantage of it's primitive capabilities: if ( foo ) ... // 4.1.6 // When evaluating that a reference is false, // instead of this: if ( foo === false ) ... // ...use negation to coerce a true evaluation if ( !foo ) ... // ...Be careful, this will also match: 0, "", null, undefined, NaN // If you _MUST_ test for a boolean false, then use if ( foo === false ) ... // 4.1.7 // When only evaluating a ref that might be null or undefined, but NOT false, "" or 0, // instead of this: if ( foo === null || foo === undefined ) ... // ...take advantage of == type coercion, like this: if ( foo == null ) ... // Remember, using == will match a `null` to BOTH `null` and `undefined` // but not `false`, "" or 0 null == undefined
// 4.2.1 // Type coercion and evaluation notes Prefer `===` over `==` (unless the case requires loose type evaluation) === does not coerce type, which means that: "1" === 1; // false == does coerce type, which means that: "1" == 1; // true // 4.2.2 // Booleans, Truthies & Falsies Booleans: true, false Truthy are: "foo", 1 Falsy are: "", 0, null, undefined, NaN, void 0
// 5.1.1 // A Practical Module (function( global ) { var Module = (function() { // Private to this closure var secret = "secret"; return { // This is some boolean property bool: true, // Some other important string string: "a string", // An array property array: [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ], // An object property object: { lang: "en-Us" }, getSecret: function() { // get the "private" variable from here return secret; }, setSecret: function( value ) { // set the "private" variable return ( secret = value ); } }; })(); // Other things might happen here // expose our module to the global object global.Module = Module; })( this );
- NOTE: In the above example, "secret" is not_really private
// 5.2.1 // A Practical Constructor (function( global ) { function Ctor( foo ) { = foo; return this; } Ctor.prototype.getFoo = function() { return; }; Ctor.prototype.setFoo = function( val ) { return ( = val ); }; // To call constructor's without `new`, you might do this: var ctor = function( foo ) { return new Ctor( foo ); }; // expose our constructor to the global object global.ctor = ctor; })( this );
You are not a human code compiler/compressor, so don't try to be one.
The following code is an example of egregious naming:
// 6.1.1 // Example of code with poor names function q(s) { return document.querySelectorAll(s); } var i,a=[],els=q("#foo"); for(i=0;i<els.length;i++){a.push(els[i]);}
Without a doubt, you've written code like this - hopefully that ends today.
Here's the same piece of logic, but with kinder, more thoughtful naming (and a readable structure):
// 6.2.1 // Example of code with improved names function query( selector ) { return document.querySelectorAll( selector ); } var idx = 0, elements = [], matches = query("#foo"), length = matches.length; for( ; idx < length; idx++ ){ elements.push( matches[ idx ] ); }
A few additional naming pointers:
// 6.3.1 // Naming strings `dog` is a string // 6.3.2 // Naming arrays `dogs` is an array of `dog` strings // 6.3.3 // Naming functions, objects, instances, etc camelCase; function and var declarations // 6.3.4 // Naming constructors, prototypes, etc. PascalCase; constructor function // 6.3.5 // Naming regular expressions rDesc = //; // 6.3.6 // From the Google Closure Library Style Guide functionNamesLikeThis; variableNamesLikeThis; ConstructorNamesLikeThis; EnumNamesLikeThis; methodNamesLikeThis; SYMBOLIC_CONSTANTS_LIKE_THIS;
A. Using
should be avoided, modern method tracing will blacklist functions with switch statementsAlso, switch sucks.
// 7.A.1.1 // An example switch statement switch( foo ) { case "alpha": alpha(); break; case "beta": beta(); break; default: // something to default to break; } // 7.A.1.2 // A better approach would be to use an object literal or even a module: var switchObj = { alpha: function() { // statements // a return }, beta: function() { // statements // a return }, _default: function() { // statements // a return } }; var switchModule = (function () { return { alpha: function() { // statements // a return }, beta: function() { // statements // a return }, _default: function() { // statements // a return } }; })(); // 7.A.1.3 // If `foo` is a property of `switchObj` or `switchModule`, execute as a method... ( switchObj.hasOwnProperty( foo ) && switchObj[ foo ] || switchObj._default )( args ); ( switchModule.hasOwnProperty( foo ) && switchModule[ foo ] || switchModule._default )( args ); // If you know and trust the value of `foo`, you could even omit the OR check // leaving only the execution: switchObj[ foo ]( args ); switchModule[ foo ]( args ); // This pattern also promotes code reusability.
B. Early returns promote code readability with negligible performance difference
// 7.B.1.1 // Bad: function returnLate( foo ) { var ret; if ( foo ) { ret = "foo"; } else { ret = "quux"; } return ret; } // Good: function returnEarly( foo ) { if ( foo ) { return "foo"; } return "quux"; }
The basic principal here is:
To reinforce this concept, please watch the following presentation:
<iframe src="" width="480" height="346" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
- JSDoc style is good (Closure Compiler type hints++)
- Single line above the code that is subject
- Multiline is good
- End of line comments are prohibited!