How to manage your email notifications inside Raygun Crash Reporting

| 3 min. (459 words)

Raygun Crash Reporting wants to keep you regularly updated on the health of your software. This means that any time your software throws an error, Raygun Crash Reporting will automatically keep you in the loop by sending an email notification containing the diagnostic details you need to fix it.

You may find however that you are receiving more notifications than you had originally expected (due to larger than expected error volumes or not having changed your default notification settings). This article will show you how to change your notification settings to allow important details to arrive safely in your inbox, but cut the noise.

How Raygun sends emails

By default Raygun Crash Reporting will send you notifications in the following scenarios:

If you also have Pulse Real User Monitoring enabled, Raygun will email you:

That’s a lot of email notifications! The first thing to note is that if you have set up manual deleting or filters in your email client, you may miss important error notifications that signal something is broken in your app (it defeats the purpose of using Raygun’s tools for error and/or performance monitoring!)

We also understand that as a company, you may need to arrange to have errors go to one email address which allows your developers to have their own settings.

There is a better way to make sure you are getting the information you need without all the noise. But before we get into it, let’s review how email notifications work in Raygun:

This means that you can customize the error notifications depending on the application. For example, you may want to receive all the notification types for a production application, but limit or disable the notifications from a test environment.

  • A plan owner can subscribe a team to a set of notifications

When a Raygun application is first created, plan owners can subscribe team members to the same notification settings. This can be overridden by ticking the checkbox  ‘Manage my own notification settings’ in the ‘Manage Notifications’ settings (see New Applications below for more information).

  • Notifications are user specific

If you’re not a plan owner, notification settings will only apply to your own account and does not affect the notification settings of your team members. Other team members can change the notification settings by logging into their account.

Our notification settings are easy to change and should only take a few moments.

Existing applications

New applications


Raygun settings are easy to find and configure. The notification settings are per user, meaning you can customize the notification settings for each application without worrying about bothering the rest of your team.

Do you need help with your email notification settings? Reach out to a team member here who will be happy to help.