
  • In some cases running more than one type of APM agent can cause unexpected behavior. We recommend temporarily disabling or uninstalling other APM software.

  • We recommend reviewing our Workflow guide to learn about best practices when using Raygun APM.

When sending events to Raygun, it is essential to ensure that your systems communicate using current Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocols and secure ciphers. Failure to comply with relevant security standards may result in event discarding at the gate. Raygun's ingestion nodes currently support TLS Versions 1.1, 1.2, and 1.3.

To guarantee successful communication, please follow these guidelines:

Events sent to Raygun must be transmitted using the following TLS versions:

  • TLS 1.1
  • TLS 1.2
  • TLS 1.3

Ensure that your hosting Operating System supports an accepted set of TLS versions and ciphers. Refer to the documentation specific to your system for more information:

If you are using any of the following Raygun Crash Reporting Provider versions, make sure to upgrade them to a minimum version that offers TLS 1.1, TLS 1.2, and TLS 1.3 support:

  • Serilog.Sinks.Raygun 5.3.3+
  • Mindscape.Raygun4Net 6.0.3+
  • Mindscape.Raygun4Net.Core 6.0.3+
  • Mindscape.Raygun4Net.Mvc 6.0.3+
  • Mindscape.Raygun4Net.WebApi 6.0.3+

If you are working with legacy C# code that prevents you from updating the Raygun provider, you can enable support for TLS 1.1 or TLS 1.2 by adding the following code snippet in your main method:

using System.Net;

// Enable TLS 1.1 or TLS 1.2
ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol |= (SecurityProtocolType.Tls11 | SecurityProtocolType.Tls12);

For crashes and errors occurring at end-users' devices, TLS limitations are less likely to be a concern. Modern browsers, when updated, automatically support the current TLS versions. To verify if a browser supports TLS 1.1, TLS 1.2, or TLS 1.3, refer to the following resources:

By ensuring compliance with TLS protocols and adopting secure ciphers, you can securely transmit events to Raygun and effectively monitor crashes and errors in your applications.