
Live provides real-time visibility into the usage of your application around the world.


Health Score

This metric shows a health score based on the average page load time of the last 1000 requests.

The score is categorised as follows:

  • Excellent is less than 500ms
  • Good is between 500ms and 1000ms
  • Needs work is between 1000ms and 4000ms
  • Poor is greater than 4000ms

Load time

Shows the average load time across the last 100 page requests.


Shows the number of current active user sessions on the site. A session is considered active if it has had a page view within the last five minutes.


Shows the number of users with an active session. A user is considered active if they have viewed a page within the last five minutes.

Recent Crashes

If you have Raygun Crash Reporting integrated in the same Raygun application you will see the count of crashes that have occured in the last 10 minutes.

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